The Natural Farmer

The newspaper of the Northeast Organic Farming Association.
We cover news of sustainable agriculture and the organic movement nationally and internationally, especially those from the seven NOFA-chapter states - Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont.
We feature articles about organic farming techniques, certification issues, environmental developments as they impact farmers and growers, issues of food justice and inequalities in the food system and their impact on farmers of color, migrant farmers, and other marginalized groups, and other topics of interest to the Northeast organic community.
The Natural Farmer is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. After nearly 30 years as a tabloid-style newspaper, in 2025, TNF will be printed as a 64-page, full-color magazine. Each issue highlights a particular theme and general how-to essays, technical articles, or personal farming stories. While subscribers receive the paper in the mail each quarter, past issues are posted online and available at no charge. Donations are appreciated to support our work.
Please note that the opinions expressed by advertisers and writers herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the Northeast Organic Farming Association or its chapters.
*We publish each issue online one season after it goes to print. This gives reading priority to readers who receive the hard copy of TNF in the mail.

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The Natural Farmer Print Version
Each 64-page magazine contains how-to articles suitable for gardeners and homesteaders, policy updates, news from the region and a pull-out supplement on a particular topic.
One Year: $20 International Subscription: $30

Photo Credit: Priscila Espinosa,
NOFA Conference Speaker