Photo Credit: Fruition Seeds, NY
Advertising Guidelines
The Natural Farmer (TNF) is the newspaper of the Northeast Organic Farming Association. TNF covers news of the organic movement nationally and internationally and features stories about farmers, homesteaders, and gardeners, especially those from the 7 NOFA member states: Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, and Vermont. TNF is mailed quarterly to more than 5,000 farms, homes, and businesses across the Northeast and beyond.

2025 Media Kit
We are excited to announce that beginning in 2025, the tabloid-style newspaper will be printed as a 64-page, full-color magazine. Read more about this change here.
Display Print Ads​

January 31 for the Spring issue (published March 21)
April 30 for the Summer issue (published June 21)
July 31 for the Fall issue (published September 21)
October 31 for the Winter issue (published December 21)
Website Ads
Our website (www.thenaturalfarmer.org) displays banner ads on the home page for $350 per year. The ad should be 1920 × 640 pixels.
Individuals or organizations wishing to sponsor The Natural Farmer may do so for one year (4 issues). In return, we will thank the sponsor in a special area on page 3 of each issue and feature the sponsor’s logo in black and white ($330/year) or color ($440/year).
To pay online via credit card, email tnfcomm@nofa.org to request an invoice.
To pay by check, make check out to NOFA-IC and mail to:
The Natural Farmer
54 Nedsland Ave.
Titusville, NJ 08560-1714
